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Winner Announcement  | PET-A-HOOD 1st Anniversary Giveaway Total prize value up to HK$8,000

Winner Announcement | PET-A-HOOD 1st Anniversary Giveaway Total prize value up to HK$8,000



"PET-A-HOOD 1st Anniversary Giveaway" has come to an end, thank you so much for all of your participation!


Personalized Toy Basket* Limited Edition &
PET-A-HOOD Limited Member Kit (Including Prelim Pet Agent Passport and customized name badge) (Not For Sale) (Worth: HK$600)



Winner: Pui Ka Ho (Reference No: PAH1YRkY5145)

"恭喜PET-A-HOOD成立一週年🎊,會員同時都愈來愈多,愈做愈大☺️。PET-A-HOOD提供到好多市面上沒有的綜合寵物資訊,涵蓋不同範疇包括了獸醫、美容服務及好去處等,重點是可以讓各位奴才交流資訊 及意見,可以避免去了些黑店。仲有好多會員優惠提供比奴才用,為奴才慳返個荷包🙊。希望可以同PET-A-HOOD一齊經歷五週年、十週年、二十週年😆。"



Winner: boydeegram (Reference No: PAH1YRBq5622)

"恭喜總部成立一週年,為香港一群毛孩家長提供「育兒」優質資訊🥳 其實香港一直都並非一個寵物友善的地方,以往即使有心人想分享有用資訊都需要依靠個人賬户,資訊難免變得分散,增加了搜尋難度。 但總部正好提供了一個有系統的平台,讓主人們更容易交換資訊,亦不時能夠享受特工優惠;直接解決主人煩惱,間接提升毛孩生活質素😆 而且我相信藉著團結一班愛毛孩之人,寵物的權益亦會漸漸被重視!希望Pet-a-hood能夠繼續順利發展、擴大,所有香港人會記得寵物平台有「Pet-a-hood」,讓更多人關注毛孩需要,令香港一點一點變成pet-friendly城市!"



Winner: White White (Reference No: PAH1YRle9227)

"Boom Boom Boom 一週年 Pet Pet Pet Boom Boom Boom PET-A-HOOD 一週年 一週年 Boom Boom Boom 蒙著眼 去邊到 去邊到 PET-A-HOOD幫到你 蒙著嘴 去邊食 去邊食 一週年 恭喜 恭喜 以前唔知去邊到? 以前唔知有咩玩? 以前唔知有咩? 你而家知咩話? 咩話 睇 咩話 PET-A-FOOD咩話 周圍都有 周圍都有 個個都用 個個都有 PET-A-HOOD 世一 MM7 熱烈祝賀成立一週年 提早祝賀你好快會成為全港最大既寵物資訊平台 會員直線上升 個個都係PET-A-HOOD會員 周街都見到人睇見到人用 成為人人佳知既資訊平台 一週年快樂 期待二三四五六週年🤍"



Winner: im_tobi_poodle (Reference No: PAH1YRtA6239)

"恭喜PET-A-HOOD成立一週年!! 感謝這個平台的出現,可以令我了解到香港有什麼地方可以讓我和毛孩一同去食去玩,就好似一個TO DO LIST等我安排好周末同毛孩既活動,亦都可以從其他成員評價中知道好唔好,減少中伏機會。感謝管理平台的每一位員工!希望這個平台一路做落去,亦希望越來越多既朋友可以知道PET-A-HOOD平台!!!"



Winner: Jarvis_Akita (Reference No: PAH1YRrg9895)

"恭賀 PET-A-HOOD 成軍一週年🥳生日快樂祝願年年有今日歲歲有今朝🎉 PET-A-HOOD 成立開始已經登記成為會員話咁快就過咗年😮以前養狗十年從來都唔覺得香港寵物友善🥲放假最多帶埋狗狗喺屋企附近周圍散下步🥺自從有咗 PET-A-HOOD 網站之後發掘咗唔少身邊嘅寵物商店😍而家每逢週末都會睇好去處安排活動🐶有啲地方連自己住喺香港廿幾年都冇去過😂 寵物服務有齊各區唔同獸醫診所👨🏻‍⚕️有埋其他寵物主人嘅評論唔驚中伏👍🏻好幾次狗狗病咗全靠網站搵醫生😇呢樣真心感激🙏🏻 斷續都有喺網站寫過幾篇評論交流資訊同埋分享生活點滴😬衷心多謝 PET-A-HOOD 陪伴狗狗成長🐕希望嚟緊可以繼續為全港寵物主人提供一站式寵物資訊❤️"


Winner: Pebble (Reference No: PAH1YRPi8548)

Winner: mehmeh_yu (Reference No: PAH1YRph5865)

Winner: milktea (Reference No: PAH1YRoM5149)

Winner: Mr. Naughty Bichon (Reference No: PAH1YRtC9251)

Winner: Sin Kwan Wu (Reference No: PAH1YRkY5145)



Subscription Based Dog Food HK$500 E-Voucher (Worth: HK$500)


Winner: mochi_shibaa (Reference No: PAH1YRKB2921)



Trixie Canvas Pet Bed (Worth: HK$443)

Winner: 九舊救狗狗 (Reference No: PAH1YRqU8541)



Pet Toy - Nou (Baby Blue) (Worth: HK$170)


Winner: Lala (Reference No: PAH1YRDc4155)



Pet Toy - Breuer (S) (Worth: HK$120)


Winner: ncw (Reference No: PAH1YRru3830)



Prize: The MOON.K
Half-moon Pet Bag Purpose (Worth: HK$650)


Winner: bichon.eggegg (Reference No: PAH1YRvO5307)



Prize: The MOON.K
Fisherman's Hat for Pet (Worth: HK$135)


Winner: Winkie (Reference No: PAH1YRLQ1804)



Prize: Tamarart
Handmade Makeup Pouch (Worth: HK$340)


Winner: Toby (Reference No: PAH1YRpV2778)



Prize: Tamarart
Handmade Masks Pouch (Worth: HK$180)


Winner: Cherry (Reference No: PAH1YRGr8790)

Winner: Miranda Ng (Reference No: PAH1YRPZ5664)


Congratulations to the above 19 winners, eligible winners will receive a confirmation email from PET-A-HOOD for prize redemption.  Thank you once again to all the participants! Please stay tuned for more activities on our platform. We look forward to seeing you again in our future events!



Thank you for accompanying us to discover all Hong Kong pet-friendly places-to-go, events, shops and pet services this year. A big credit to our members and Pet Agents who always share favourable the trending pet-friendly information on our platform. Moreover, we are glad to have all pet merchants to become our registered merchant and join our family as well.


To celebrate this delightful day, we have a surprise for all of you! No matter you are new or existing members, it's our honour to invite you to join this “PET-A-HOOD 1st Anniversary Giveaway” campaign! Take the chance to win our attractive prize from our selected pet merchants and you can also create your Preliminary Pet Agent Passport via this campaign!



Follow the steps below for a chance to get the attractive prize! Share this with you friends and family! Good Luck!


Campaign Period: April 14, 2022 to May 1,  2022 23:59




How to participate:

Submit the registration form to become our member (Simply login for existing members)

Verify your member account via email

Download your “Preliminary Pet Agent Passport” after submission

Share your “Preliminary Pet Agent Passport” on your pet's public social media account (story or post) and tag @petahoodhk

Follow all prize sponsors’ Instagram/Facebook accounts @ruffandfetchhk @tamarart @themoon.k_  @vetopia @woofpackstyle

A total 19 winners will be selected by PET-A-HOOD according to the best congratulation messages

Each eligible winner is entitled to ONE prize only, and the gift will send according to winners‘ preference if applicable

Eligible winners will receive a notification email from PET-A-HOOD according to registered email on or before 13 May 2022


Input Pet's information and create your Preliminary Pet Agent Passport


Write congratulations message to PET-A-HOOD


Share your passport to Social Media



Prize includes:
(In no particular order)

Personalized Toy Basket* Limited Edition &
PET-A-HOOD Limited Member Kit (Including Prelim Pet Agent Passport and customized name badge) (Not For Sale) (Worth: HK$600)

Winners: 10

*Winner can pick the exclusive one PET-A-HOOD color and create their own personalized Toy Basket with their pet's name.

Subscription Based Dog Food HK$500 E-Voucher (Worth: HK$500)


Winner: 1


Trixie Canvas Pet Bed (Worth: HK$443)


Winner: 1

*Suitable for Dogs & Cats

Pet Toy - Nou (Baby Blue) (Worth: HK$170)


Winner: 1

Pet Toy - Breuer (S) (Worth: HK$120)


Winner: 1

Half-moon Pet Bag Purpose (Worth: HK$650)

Winner: 1


Fisherman's Hat for Pet (Worth: HK$135)


Winner: 1




Handmade Makeup Pouch (Worth: HK$340)


Winner: 1



Handmade Masks Pouch (Worth: HK$180)


Winners: 2



Terms and Conditions:

1.【PET-A-HOOD 1st Anniversary Giveaway】 (hereinafter referred to as the “campaign”) is organized by “PET-A-HOOD LIMITED” (hereinafter referred to as the “organizer”).

2. The campaign period is from 14 April, 2022 to 1 May, 2022 23:59 PM (Hong Kong time). In addition, the organizer has the final decision to change the campaign date without prior notice.

3. All participants must be a valid Hong Kong residents.

4. All dates and times related to the campaign (including but not limited to the date and time of participating in the campaign, the date and time of the winner’s reply information, etc.) are subject to the organizer’s server.

5. Participants must complete:
step 1) Submit the registration form to become our member;
step 2) Verify your member account via email;
step 3) Download your “Preliminary Pet Agent Passport” after submission;
step 4) Share your “Preliminary Pet Agent Passport” on your pet's public social media account (story or post) and tag @petahoodhk
and step 5) Follow all prize sponsors’ Instagram/Facebook accounts, in order to successfully participate in this campaign.

6. Each member account is only limited to one participation. Just as an account participates more than once, it will be calculated as a single participation in the campaign and selected according to the campaign criteria. All are subject to the organizer’s decision.

7. If a participant encounters a network connection or any mobile phone or computer program problem during the campaign, the submission is not completed, it is the participant’s responsibility and the organizer will not be held responsible.

8. If it is found that there is any improper behavior or that the participant violates the principle of good faith and obtains gifts, including but not limited to plug-ins or other informal channels to participate in activities, use other third-party equipment or technology to obtain gifts, or violate or infringe on the organizer. The organizer has the right to cancel its qualification for the prize immediately without giving reasons.

9. Participants’ participation in this campaign is voluntary. They understand and accept that the organizer is not the supplier of the prizes provided. Therefore, all aspects of each prizes (including but not limiprizeted to quality, maintenance, supply, product statement, any false product description or misleading, ambiguity, omission, unclear statement or supplier’s employee, responsible person or agent People’s bad business practices), the organizer is not required to bear all legal liabilities and compensation.

10. The information provided by the participants cannot be modified after submission. All information is subject to the records provided by the participant, and any incorrect or incomplete information will be deemed invalid.

11. Participants participating in this campaign mean that they agree to the terms and conditions contained therein. In case of any violation, the organizer reserves the right to cancel its participation and its eligibility for awards at any time.

12. Eligible winners will receive a confirmation email from PET-A-HOOD for prize redemption on or before 13 May, 2022.

13. No individual notifications will be sent to unsuccessful or waitlisted members.

14. The prize pictures are for reference only, and everything is subject to the actual product. If the selected gifts are sold out, PET-A-HOOD reserves the right to replace them with other gifts without prior notice.

15. Winners are not allowed to exchange for cash, resell the prizes for commercial purposes or transfer them for any purpose (the transfer should be a personal act and has nothing to do with the campaign). In case of violation, the winner’s qualification will be cancelled and the organizer reserves the right to pursue and pursue compensation.

16. Eligible winners should provide correct information. PET-A-HOOD is not liable for any damages or losses whatsoever arising as a result of the delay caused by PET-A-HOOD.

17. Participants participating in this campaign are agreed to collect the personal data submitted by the participants during the campaign. The relevant personal data will be used for the prize collection notice and check gift redemption and other matters, and agree to be used for direct marketing in the future.

18. By participating in this campaign, the participant agrees to all of the above terms and conditions. In case of any dispute, PET-A-HOOD reserves the right of final decision.

19. In the campaign of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of any materials related to this Campaign and these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall apply and prevail.

20. If you have any questions, please email to for inquiries.

21. PET-A-HOOD reserves the final right to suspend, modify or terminate this campaign and/or any of the terms and conditions without prior notice.

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