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Fresh fruit as pet treats! A list of edible and forbidden fruits for furkids

Fresh fruit as pet treats! A list of edible and forbidden fruits for furkids

Fresh fruits are sweet, juicy, delicious, and nutritious. Are they healthy for pets as well?


This question is complicated.

Some fruits can provide nutrients for furkids, but some of the fruits we often eat are poisonous to pets. Dogs are omnivores. They can digest a lot of human food physiologically, and they are also very gluttonous. They like to share food with their owners. Proper feeding of fruits is a healthy and beneficial reward for dogs. Therefore, fruits can be used as snacks. As for cats, they are carnivorous, and they do not need to eat fresh fruits or vegetables in terms of nutritional structure. They may not be willing to eat the fruits you feed, but if you insist on trying, feeding some fruits in very small amounts is actually safe. Let's take a look at which fruits are suitable for furkids.


Edible fruits for dogs and cats



Apple is the most common and suitable fruit for furkids. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can help improve the body's immunity and prevent diseases. The pectin contained in apples can also improve the dog's digestive ability. However, remember to remove the core before feeding. Apple seeds contain cyanide, which is harmful to pets' health, can seriously cause breathing difficulties and coma.




Blueberry anthocyanins are natural antioxidants. Also, it is rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E and manganese, which can protect eye health, enhance immunity, anti-inflammatory or even anti-cancer, very suitable for feeding dogs as a snack.


Strawberry is sweet and delicious. It is rich in vitamin C and fiber, as well as enzymes that help whiten teeth. Many pet cakes are decorated with strawberries. However, the sweetness of strawberries is high, it shouldn't be eaten too much. The surface of strawberries is prone to pesticide residues, so they must be cleaned well before feeding to your furkids.


Eating cranberries can protect the urinary tract and reduce the occurrence of urinary tract diseases. It is a common ingredient in cat cans. Although cranberries are small in size, it is recommended to cut them in half for feeding.




Banana contains potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, magnesium, low sodium, low calorie and low cholesterol. It promotes healthy bone growth. Besides, bananas can also help intestinal peristalsis and laxatives. Note that the fiber content is very high in bananas, eating too much may cause constipation. In addition, bananas are very high in potassium, furkids with heart or kidney disease should avoid eating them.


Lycopene can be found in watermelon, it is a natural antioxidant. Also, watermelon is rich in vitamins and potassium, with high nutritional value. Watermelon is cold and sweet with high moisture content, which is very suitable for dogs to replenish water in summer, clearing heat and relieving heat.


Cantaloupe is mild in nature with high nutritional value. It contains rich fiber and high moisture content, so it is easy to digest and absorb. Beta-carotene can also be found in melon, it can prevent eye diseases such as cataracts. However, the sugar content of cantaloupe is very high, eating much is not good for pets, especially pets with diabetes problems should not take it.



Pear contains copper, vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, etc. with high pectin content. Remember to remove the core and seeds before feeding.


Edible fruits for dogs



The orange flesh is rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber, it is not harmful to dogs. Remember to remove the seeds when feeding, and do not feed too much at one time to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort. It should be noted that orange is not edible for cats, do not try to feed your cats.




It is rich in vitamins, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin E. The moisture content is also high. Remember to peel and remove the pit before feeding it to dogs, also, it is not suggested to feed your dogs too much pear at one time.


List of forbidden fruits for dogs and cats

Some fruits are nutritious for humans, but the opposite is true for pets. Be careful with these fruits.

Grapes (Raisins)

Although raisins are sweet and delicious to humans, small amounts of raisins or grapes can be detrimental to dogs. Eating grapes or raisins can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and worsen acute kidney failure. If your dogs eat raisins or grapes accidentally, it is best to consult a veterinarian immediately.




Avocado is a controversial fruit. Some veterinarians insist that avocado should never be eaten by pets, while some other vets state that only eating the pulp is fine. However, it is certain that the seeds, skins and leaves of avocados must not be touched by furkids. These parts contain "Persin", which is toxic to dogs, just a very small amount can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Therefore, many veterinarians feel that it is better to avoid avocados completely to be safe.




As controversial as avocado, some veterinarians believe that it is safe for pets to eat the cherry pulp, while some veterinarians do not recommend it. The cherries pit is a deadly poison. It contains cyanide, which will affect the energy production of cells and the nervous system and the heart of furkids. Dogs who eat cherries by mistake may experience delayed reaction, swallowing, breathing difficulties, or even death. Cherries are so small that they are very easy to be swallowed by dogs by mistake. If it is not necessary, don't let your dogs know what's the taste of cherries.




Edible fruits for dogs and cats Edible fruits for dogs List of forbidden fruits for dogs and cats
Apple Orange Raisins (Grapes)
Blueberry Mango Avocado
Strawberry   Cherries



Remember to always peel, remove the seeds or pit, and cut into small pieces when feeding fruits to furkids even though they are edible for pets. In addition, you must be aware of the intake amount of your furkids, especially if your furkids are small in size, it is enough to taste one or two bites as a snack. Eating too many fruits is not healthy for your furkids because many fruits contain high sugar content, or your furkids might not be used to eating fruits.  As for furkids with special medical ailments or conditions, it is best to consult a veterinarian before feeding, so as to be safe.




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