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Pet Fostering|Becoming a Pet Foster Volunteer is a Wonderful Experience

Pet Fostering|Becoming a Pet Foster Volunteer is a Wonderful Experience

Pet Fostering|Becoming a pet foster volunteer is a wonderful experience


Raising a pet is a lifelong commitment. However, the short-term affection foster care may bring is oftentimes equivalent. There are numerous animal shelters in Hong Kong that are in great need of foster volunteers who could provide short-term care to the adoptable animals and act as their temporary “parents”. A volunteer's participation is vital not only because it relieves the strain on animal welfare groups to reach more animals in need, but also because it helps an animal in preparing for a forever home. Nonetheless, it is also a great opportunity to appreciate the delight that animal companionship brings.


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The Purpose of Pet Fostering

Alleviate Pressure on Animal Welfare Organizations


Organizations are taking care of countless abandoned animals with only confined resources. The number of animals that are available for adoption is far from our expectations. Small animals like hamsters and rabbits are equally important as cats and dogs. They all need adequate space and manpower to sustain their quality of living. If more foster parents are willing to look after the animals, it could relieve the stress of organizations and raise the possibility of another animal being rescued.


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Help Animals Adjust to Human Family


A portion of the animals waiting for adoption may have difficulty getting along with people due to unpleasant past experiences. They might be homeless or have been abandoned by their previous owner. A foster home filled with love and patience will help them adapt to ways of interacting and socializing with humans, as well as develop positive behaviors that would benefit them in searching for their permanent home.


Help Animals with Special Needs


Kittens struggle to live without their mothers because they require feeding every few hours. Other than kittens, elderly and post-surgery pets also need extra attention and care in their everyday lives and recuperation. With the help of foster homes, it can lessen the pressure on animal organizations.


Provide a Better Living Environment


An adoption center with fancy amenities is not a patch on a home with warmth. Let them enjoy living in a loving and attentive environment before finding a permanent home.



Pet fostering is a wonderful experience for volunteers. At the same time, there is nothing comparable to the love from an animal. Many parents decide to adopt after taking care of the animal for some time. However, there are some requirements on becoming an animal fosterer.


Pet Foster Volunteer Requirements

Daily Care

Every animal has unique demands in walking, feeding and grooming. Before the animal is handed off, the organization will thoroughly discuss the needs of each animal. A foster parent should make sure they have sufficient time to fulfil the needs of the animal and care for them.

Assist in Adoption

The ultimate goal is to find a permanent shelter for animals, hence, cooperating in adoption activities held by the organization is also critical. In order to find the most suitable family for the animal, the policy of some organizations for selecting the right candidate for adoption is cautious. If you are worried that you might get too connected to the foster pet, it is best to learn about the relevant policies of the organizations ahead of time.

Sufficient of Love

Foster pets need and deserve your love and attention! Care for them like your own!

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Organizations with Pet Fostering Recruitment

HK PAWS Foundation

Long-term recruitment of dogs and cats fosterer with flexible fostering lengths, from a few days to several months depending on the situation of the animal and the foster family. HK PAWS Foundation will cover all medication and feeding cost for the animal throughout the fostering time. If you are interested, please fill out the registration form on their website.



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SPCA always recruit pet foster volunteers. Apart from cats and dogs, SPCA is also in great demand for volunteers with experience in taking care of birds, rabbits, turtles, lizards, chinchillas etc. However, SPCA only recruits foster parents who have prior experience in animal care. Beginners are not suitable for the role at the moment. If you are interested, please visit the website for registration.


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HKDR (Hong Kong Dog Rescue)


HKDR always recruit dog fostering volunteers. HKDR expects that fostering parents will train dogs through positive reinforcement, thus prior dog expertise is required. Other than that, foster animals will be assigned randomly. If you are interested, please visit the website to register.



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LAP (Lifelong Animal Protection Charity)

They also recruit volunteers for cats and dogs fostering, with a duration of one month on average. Foster care, according to LAP, is not only an important step toward adoption, but it is also beneficial to the animal. If you are interested, please head to the website and fill out a registration questionnaire.



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Paws Guardian Rescue Shelter


Paws Guardian Rescue Shelter believes that becoming a foster family is the ideal choice for owners with experience with dogs who no longer want a lifelong commitment. Dogs learn how to interact with humans through temporary foster care, which may boost their chances of adoption. If you are interested, please contact Paws Guardian Rescue Shelter by call or email.




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Kelly Animals Shelter (KAS)

KAS is another organization that recruits dog foster parents on a long-term basis. The organization has been caring for numerous elderly dogs. Many of them have spent most of their lives in breeding grounds and KAS hopes volunteers will be able to provide the warmth of a family to these senior dogs. Aside from elder dogs, there are also puppies that require foster care from time to time. If you are interested, please complete the registration questionnaire.


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Catherine's Puppies


The organization mainly supports dogs and occasionally recruits volunteers to provide temporary foster care. The owner and volunteers mainly communicate in English. If you are interested, please contact Catherine's Puppies through their Facebook page.



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Other than the aforementioned, there are many more animal welfare organizations that need the assistance of foster volunteers. If you are able to be a voluntary foster, it would be wonderful to pay greater attention to these institutions and provide help when needed. Don’t give up if you haven’t met a suitable animal! You will undoubtedly be able to help them if you have the desire!


Click to view more Pet Fostering Organization


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