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Hooment Magic Academy - Unveil the secrets of the magical book.


Event Date & Time
10 September 2024 - 31 October 2024
10:00 - 21:00
  • Indoor
  • Shop G, G/F Park Signature, 68 Kung Um Road, Yuen Long, N.T.
  • +852 2701 1777


Unlock Hooment Magic Academy
Dear Guests:
Welcome to Hooment Magic Academy! Join Hooment's magical-themed game and search for the hidden magical books in Hooment to unlock surprises! This is not just a game, but an unbelievable journey!

The activity information provided is subject to the official announcement on the event website. In case of any changes, there will be no separate notification. For details, please inquire with the respective organizers or stay updated with the latest announcements regarding the event.
Photo Credit: Hooment


[揭開魔法書既秘密🪄 解鎖隱藏既神秘力量!]

歡迎黎到魔法既世界,加入Hooment 既魔法主題遊戲,尋找隱藏係Hooment角落既魔法書解鎖驚喜,呢個唔只係一場遊戲,而係一場奇幻既旅程!


係Hooment每個角落都藏住不同魔法書,只有一本書係通往驚喜既鑰匙。搵到隱藏既QR Code 魔法陣,手機掃描它,你將獲得獎勵。這是一場考驗眼力與耐心的遊戲。

另外,係Hooment 夢幻魔法牆前影相

利用我地提供既魔法服裝,幫愛寵變身為魔法學生。係Instagram 以 Post 貼文形式分享相片以及 Tag 返 hoomenthk,係魔法世界留下愛寵既「魔法時刻」,係呢場魔法之旅中,完成呢兩項魔法活動即可獲得Hooment Cafe 既$25 飲食優惠券,令你同愛寵你美食體驗都充滿魔法色彩。

任務二: 贏取神秘禮物

係10月15號前,將你既「魔法時刻」分享到Instagram,獲得最多Like 既10位客人將贏得魔法師為你們毛孩製作嘅神秘名畫,10位傑出嘅魔法毛孩學生名畫會展示兩星期,跟麻瓜主人們一起讓這個季節充滿驚喜與歡樂。

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