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VSH First Aid Workshop with LAP

HK $300

Event Date & Time
05 October 2024
16:00 - 18:00
  • Indoor
  • 7 Liberty Avenue, G/F-1/F, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon


We are excited to announce a special opportunity for all pet lovers! In collaboration with the Veterinary Specialty Hospital (VSH), we are hosting a Pet First-Aid class, delivered by a VSH Veterinary Specialist. The class will equip you with essential knowledge and skills to handle emergency situations that your pet might face, such as heat stroke, epilepsy, snake bites, poisoning, road accidents, and basic wound management.

Whether you want to be better prepared for animal emergencies or support LAP's mission, this is the perfect opportunity.

The activity information provided is subject to the official announcement on the event website. In case of any changes, there will be no separate notification. For details, please inquire with the respective organizers or stay updated with the latest announcements regarding the event.
Photo Credit:IG




時間:4:00PM - 6:00PM

地點:九龍VSH 專科獸醫醫院 何文田自由道7號1樓會議室

講師: 楊鎮宇醫生(楊醫生是VSH 的急症科獸醫和獸醫護士訓練課程主管及講師)




  1. 請於當日早10-15分鐘到達
  2. 請勿帶同寵物到來上課


  • 中暑
  • 癲癇
  • 被蛇咬傷
  • 中毒
  • 路上交通意外
  • 簡單傷口處理



Organizer Detail

保護動物慈善協會 香港専科獸醫醫院
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