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FAQ for Pet-a-hood Partner

FAQ for Pet-a-hood Partner

Below are some commonly seen questions from merchants.


  1. Are there any charges/ fees?
  2. Why does my store appear on PET-A-HOOD even if I am not registered?
  3. I don't have a business registration certificate, how do I go through the verification process?
  4. What are the detailed steps for registering as a verified merchant?



Are there any charges/ fees?


Basic functions (such as updating your business information and uploading store photos) are free of charge. PET-A-HOOD could help drive traffic to your business and let more people know about your business.



Why is my store appearing on PET-A-HOOD website even if I didn't register as a merchant?


PET-A-HOOD is like a yellow page for pet-related businesses. We display business/ shop information which are already publicly available. Pet-a-hood makes it easier for pet lovers to find information about pet business and places to visit with their pets.



I don't have a business registration certificate, how do I go through the verification process?


You can upload your business card, or a screenshot of your Instagram/Facebook page to prove that you are the administrator of the business' social media page.



What are the detailed steps for registering as a verified merchant?


Step 1 - Sign up online


Sign up now:



After filling out the form, you will receive the following email. Please wait for the approval and we will notify you by email for the next step of the verification process.



Step 2 - Login on merchant account page


After the first round of approval, you will receive the following email to proceed to the next step of the verification process.



Please login to your merchant account using the set of username and password in the email, and upload your business' information.


Login to your merchant account:




Step 3 - Final approval


We will review your application and proceed with the final approval process. Once approved, you will receive the following email and officially become a PET-A-HOOD's partner! You can login to the merchant platform and start customizing your page content.



If you have other questions, feel free to contact, or inbox us through Instagram @petahoodhk or Facebook @petahoodhk!

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