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Royal Canin Launches ‘Take Your Pet to the Vet’ Campaign To Share Real Heart-stirring Stories of Pet Illnesses

Royal Canin Launches ‘Take Your Pet to the Vet’ Campaign To Share Real Heart-stirring Stories of Pet Illnesses

Royal Canin Launches ‘Take Your Pet to the Vet’ Campaign To Share Real Heart-stirring Stories of Pet Illnesses

Giving out HKD 300 Veterinary Check-up Coupons to Encourage Pet Owners to Schedule Regular Checkups On top of Community Pet Food Donation Efforts for Animal Health and Welfare


November 16, 2023, Hong Kong — Many people consider their pets as their own children and care for them deeply, striving to provide the best in every aspect of their lives. However, Nielsen study has found that only about 40% of cat owners and 60% of dog owners worldwide regularly bring their pets for veterinary checkups.. Just like humans, cats and dogs have different health needs at various stages of their lives. However, unlike humans, they’re unable to express their feelings through words. They are great at concealing their discomfort, and any changes in their bodies could be signals for help. Yet, owners may not always understand or notice these signs in time. Very often, it's already too late by the time obvious symptoms are noticed. Therefore, scheduling regular veterinary check-ups for pets is of paramount importance. Through regular health checks, owners can understand their cats' and dogs' health conditions, helping to prevent and reduce the risk of illnesses, and ultimately extending their lifespan.


RoAt Royal Canin, the health of cats and dogs always comes first


A veterinarian recommendation, Royal Canin has always prioritized the health and well-being of cats and dogs, by promoting responsible pet ownership. As early as 2015, Royal Canin initiated the "Take Your Pet To The Vet" program, in the United States, stressing on the importance of prevention over care and advocating regular veterinary check-ups for cats. This year, they expanded the program to include dogs in Hong Kong, under the theme of "Take Your Pet to the Vet”. The program encourages cat and dog owners to arrange regular check- ups for their pets and keep a close eye on their health conditions to catch diseases early to ensure healthier, happier pet lives.



Real, heart-stirring stories of regret


The "Take Your Pet To The Vet" campaign begins with a charity film produced by a Taiwanese production house known for capturing delicate emotions in their work. The film illustrates the personal experiences of three pet owners, whose stories may resonate with many. Due to the lack of regular check-ups, they discovered their pets' illnesses too late, resulting in the loss of their beloved pets and deep regret. These experiences made them reflect — they could have identified health issues earlier and sought appropriate treatment, reducing their pets' suffering and extending their time together.



Cat owner Delia's face lit up as she fondly
recalled her beloved cat named ‘ㄇㄇ’



Vet found a tumour in her cat’s abdomen that
was 6x7 centimetres in size


Cat owner Delia once had a cat named ‘ㄇㄇ’. Fondly recalling her beloved cat, she said, “‘ㄇㄇ’ always kept me company while I worked. " Back then, ‘ㄇㄇ’ suddenly lost a significant amount of weight, so Delia took her to the vet for an examination. It was only then that they discovered her cat had cancer. Recounting the experience, Delia couldn't help but shed tears, saying, "After the examination, we found a tumour in her abdomen that was 6x7 centimetres in size. A tumour of this size would cause extreme discomfort in a human body, and I couldn't imagine the pain she must have felt in her tiny body." Failing to detect and treat the condition early made ‘ㄇㄇ’ endure unnecessary suffering — this deeply saddened Delia. Because by simply arranging one or two veterinary check-ups per year for her pet, she would have been able to provide timely treatment for her cat.



Cat owner 建維 wanted his cat to experience

the world with him



He realized the importance of taking his cat to

the vet sooner


Unlike many indoor cats, cat owner 建維 always had his beloved cat ‘小胖虎’ accompany him on shopping and hiking trips. He wanted his cat to experience the world with him. However, ‘小胖虎’’s sudden loss of appetite, increased water consumption, and urination changes alarmed 建維, prompting him to take his cat to the vet. Upon examination, they diagnosed ‘小胖虎’ with stage three kidney failure, with less than a year left to live. Every incident is a lesson learned, but this one came at a great cost. 建維 reflected, "Don't assume that they are fine just because they look healthy. We can't discern aging or certain organ problems just by their appearance. If we had checked early, things could have been different now."



Dog owner 艾瑪 reminisced about how her dog
Jeffrey adored playing with balls



She makes sure to arrange annual veterinary
check-ups for her Pomeranian ‘菜’


Dog owner 艾瑪 can't help but think of her dog Jeffrey whenever she sees a ball. "He loved playing with balls," recalled 艾瑪. Jeffrey's sudden passing left 艾瑪 heartbroken, "I have no reason to go home to anymore. He passed away because of a kidney disease. When I discovered something was wrong and took him to the animal hospital, it was already too late and severe. If we had taken him for regular check-ups every year, he might not have suffered so much pain." Jeffrey's experience helped 艾瑪 understand the importance of regular health check-ups. Today, she makes sure to arrange annual veterinary check-ups for her Pomeranian ‘菜’, paying special attention to his diet, to avoid another regret.


A Safe Home, A Full Bowl


Following the heart-stirring films, Royal Canin will launch a series of charity activities to promote the concept of regular veterinary check-ups for cats and dogs, and raise awareness of pet welfare. Hong Kong has long been facing the challenge of stray animals, burdened by various factors such as the environment, resources, and manpower. Royal Canin hopes to unite the community to support and protect these stray animals through simple acts.


To participate in the social media activity, the public can simply share a precious moment with their pet and make a commitment to safeguard their health by commenting on our Facebook post. For every comment, Royal Canin will donate 3kg of pet food to several local animal shelters (with a maximum limit of 1 tonne), supporting their continuous efforts to feed and help stray cats and dogs in the city. At the same time, Royal Canin will also launch another giveaway, providing HKD 300 veterinary check-up vouchers to the first 300 pet owners who leave a comment and apply, encouraging everyone to take the first step towards responsible pet ownership — by scheduling regular health check-ups to ensure healthier and happier lives for their pets.




Register to get pet examination vouchers



To understand the health conditions of cats and dogs, as well as to prevent and reduce the risk of illness, the most direct method is to regularly take your pets to the veterinarian. To encourage pet owners to bring their beloved pets for health check-ups, Royal Canin is launching a campaign to give away 300 pet examination vouchers worth HKD $300 each. The vouchers will be given on a first-come, first-served basis, and once the physical examination is completed, Royal Canin will cover the examination fees. The aim is to encourage pet owners to take the first step and be responsible owners, ensuring the healthy and happy growth of their pets.


Here are the steps to participate in the campaign. You can also refer to the Facebook post for more details:

  1. Follow @RoyalCaninhk on Instagram and like the Royal Canin Facebook Page @Royal Canin HK.
  2. Complete the registration through the Google Form at
    List of designated veterinary clinics in Hong Kong:
    The campaign is subject to terms and conditions at The campaign is only applicable to Hong Kong residents.


The examination vouchers can only be used for designated veterinary clinics and the physical examination services approved by the veterinarians.


In case of any disputes, Royal Canin reserves the right of final interpretation and decision-making.


In addition, Royal Canin will also launch a limited-time Instagram filter in mid-December. Pet owners can create their own pet health charms and send healthy blessings to their pets. This will help spread the message of "Early Check-ups, Lifelong Companionship" to more pet owners. Please stay tuned to Royal Canin's social media platforms.


About Royal Canin


Since its founding in 1968 by Dr. Jean Cathary, a veterinarian, Royal Canin has been dedicated to safeguarding pet health. With over 50 years of expertise in nutrition, the brand is committed to clinical evidence and scientific research. They meticulously formulate and tailor nutrition to meet the specific needs of cats and dogs at every life stage, creating a better world for pets. Their attention to detail has allowed Royal Canin to expand across over 100 countries, providing exclusive and effective nutritional diets that help pets maintain optimal health.





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